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A young boy named Malaki and his mother, Brooke, roll dough as part of the Story Box Experience

Our son, Malaki, was diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. From the time he was born, he did not use his hands to touch objects. It was a goal of his from the time he started in early intervention at 8 months old. We had little progress getting him to touch things... until we met Callie. I remember the first thing she said to me is him not touching things has to do with his vision. Finally, someone agreed with me, and I hadn't told her that I felt like it was his vision versus a sensory issue. Her vision screening on him pinpointed at what distance he sees best and that he has trouble with convergence. ​

After Malaki had a few sessions with Callie, he was purposefully touching objects. The therapists and people who work with him at school noticed a big change in his ability to touch and move objects. He is also using an eye gaze device to talk and is very successful with it.  She showed us how to maximize his sight, where to place him in an academic setting for him to be successful, what size print should be used for him, and how to use light and sound to help him visually. Throughout our sessions with Callie, we have noticed an improvement in his convergence which was a shock to all of us.  We feel very blessed to have met Callie and to be a part of this journey. Malaki enjoys his time with her, and she has truly opened a new world for him.


- Brooke and Nigel Grant, Malaki's parents

Above: Malaki and his mother, Brooke, roll dough as part of the Story Box Experience

A young boy named Hunter uses his hands and his vision to engage with colorful objects which are lit up to support increased visual attention

Left: Hunter uses his hands and his vision to engage with colorful objects which are lit up to support increased visual attention

Hunter, 10 years old, was diagnosed with cerebral visual impairment (CVI) at a very young age. We were told there was nothing we could do for therapy and had accepted that. Then we met Callie! In just 4 sessions we are seeing a lot of improvement with his vision. He is seeking out toys, looking at his hands and making longer more purposeful glances at items and people. I wish we would have started with Callie years ago. We can not wait to see what the future brings.


- Nikki Zimmerman, Hunter's mother


Above: Kaitlin and her mother, Maureen, pose for a picture with their service dog

Our daughter Kaitlin is a happy, strong, and curious 16-year-old, who has a rare genetic mutation (Grin1) and Cortical Vision Impairment (CVI). After many years of trying to help Kaitlin with the challenges she has with play, communication, and understanding her surroundings, Callie has within just a few months truly connected with Kaitlin and opened a door that we know will lead to Kaitlin growing and succeeding on many fronts.  Callie shines with positive energy and pure joy when working with Kaitlin. Kaitlin feels every bit of that love and it makes their sessions not just fun, but incredibly productive. 


Callie's knowledge of the many idiosyncrasies and complexities of CVI is unmatched in the greater Denver area and she skillfully uses her expertise to engage Kaitlin in appropriate and helpful activities in their sessions. Kaitlin is also benefiting from Callie's collaboration with speech therapist Jill Tullman, as they work together to address the challenging combination of Kaitlin's significant visual impairment AND complex communication needs. It is a unique strategy that doesn't just make sense - it elevates the potential for success on both fronts and that is very exciting! We are so grateful to have Callie on Team Kaitlin.


- Maureen Walsh Bennett, Kaitlin's mother

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